La Consolacion





The Office of the University Registrar envisions upholding the integrity of the students’ records as the repository of student’s academic records and the enhancement of credibility of its records and services. As part of the academic support unit of the University, the Office of the University Registrar is committed to provide fast, systematic and accurate information to its clients while exhibiting the institution’s Catholic Augustinian Marian, core values at all times..


The Office of the Registrar’s mission is to make available continuously improving services through a dedicated and skillful values oriented staff and improved, efficient processes that ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and security of all students’ records.


1. To deliver quality service to all sectors of the academic community that would create the feeling of satisfaction.

2. To develop highly skilled professional working force capable of rendering high quality of service and utmost customer service.

3. To continuously support the university in all its efforts to achieve its mission.


1. What are the admissions requirements?

K to 12 :
- 2x2 ID picture
- 1 long brown envelope
- Certificate of Good Moral (original FOR Gr 4 and up)
- PSA Birth Certificate (original)
- Form 138/Report Card
- Form 137 (Remarks: COPY FOR LCUP)
- Photocopy of Diploma
- LCUP Entrance Examination Result

College :
- 2x2 ID picture
- 1 long brown envelope
- Certificate of Good Moral (original FOR Gr 4 and up)
- PSA Birth Certificate (original)
- Form 138/Report Card
- Form 137 (Remarks: COPY FOR LCUP)
- Photocopy of Diploma
- LCUP Entrance Examination Result
- Drug Test Result

Graduate Studies:
- 2x2 ID picture
- 1 long brown envelope
- PSA Birth Certificate (original)
- PSA Marriage Contract (for female married students)
- Official Transcript of Records (Remarks: COPY FOR LCUP)
- Photocopy of Diploma (Undergrad for Masters, Masters Diploma for Doctorate)
- LCUP Entrance Examination Result

2. I want to go back and enroll to LCUP as a returnee, how do I apply?

A returnee, who intends to enroll for a particular term, is a student who was not enrolled in the previous term (Graduate Studies, College, Alternative Education, and College of Medicine). Returnee student must accomplish the STUDENT RETURNING SLIP FORM and submit at the Registrar’s Office once completed and signed by the respective offices.

3. Who are the person’s in-charge of my enrollment concerns?

• For assessment – Faculty in-charge (BED K to 12), Dept. Sec. for College, Graduate Studies – Graduate Studies Staff
• For payment – Finance Office
• For Official Certificate of Registration – Registrar’s Office

4. I am currently enrolled at LCUP, but I haven’t submitted all the required admissions documents, what do I do?

For students who are officially enrolled but with incomplete admission’s requirements, you need to submit all the required documents ASAP.

5. When can I add, drop or change my subjects enrolled?

There is a designated dates for adding, changing or dropping of subjects. The student shall adhere to this schedule. If the student, wishes to drop within the scheduled date, they can receive a tuition fee refund at the Finance Office. Refund is determined by the Finance Office. These dropped courses (if completed during the Add/Drop period) are not recorded on the transcript. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of these dates.

6. I have noticed that my year level on my COR is incorrect, how do I correct this?

Inform your respective deans or department secretary and communicate with the Registrar’s Office for the correction.

7. I am an irregular student and I wanted to enroll more subjects, is this possible?

As an irregular student, you are only allowed to take the units prescribed in the curriculum at your current year level. Only graduating students are allowed to take additional 6 units maximum on top of their regular load/units.

8. I am a Graduate Studies student, currently enrolled in a non-thesis stream, I wanted to change to a thesis stream of the same program, how do I do it?

Change of stream from non-thesis to thesis, you can secure and accomplish a CHANGE DEGREE FORM at the Registrar’s Office and secure the approval of the VP for Graduate Studies to proceed with the request. You can change your degree after the first semester of your FIRST Enrollment only.

9. I am enrolled at LCUP for 2 semesters now and I would like to request for an official certificate of grades. When I processed my online request, I received an email that I need to submit all admissions requirements prior to the release of my requested documents. What does this mean?

Students requesting for credentials must have complied with the admissions requirements first prior to the processing of credential requested. The student shall submit these requirements the soonest possible time to proceed with the processing of documents requested.

10. I have submitted my admission’s requirements; do I have to bring the hard copies?

Submission of soft copies of admission’s requirements means you are temporarily enrolled at LCUP and you are required to submit the hard copies of these documents the soonest possible time.

11. I obtained an INC grade/mark in one of my subjects, what will I do?

An “INC” (Incomplete) mark indicates that the student has not completed all course requirements due to excusable reason, such as, sickness, emergency, or accident. (Section 109, Article XXII, MORPHE, p. 553.)
• The student must complete the requirements within the semester following that in which the course was taken. Otherwise, the grade automatically becomes “NC” for “No Credit” or “NG” for “No Grade” or FAILED = 5.00. Such a grade is permanent and cannot be subsequently changed. (Section 109, Article XXII, MORPHE, p. 553.)

12. I want to process my enrollment, but I was informed that the enrollment period has ended. What do I do?

Once the enrolment period ends, additional enrolment IS NOT ALLOWED. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the enrolment period.

13. The grade that appears on my portal is different from the grade given to me by my professor, how is that?

Change of grade is allowed on the following reasons:
• Error in the entry of scores or grades
• Error of computation
1. The complainant (student, faculty, dean or parent) submits a written complaint addressed to the teacher concerned with copies furnished to the department chairperson, dean, and Registrar’s Office.
2. Upon receipt of the letter of complaint, the department chairperson shall convene a committee composed of all the faculty members of the department and the dean. The student shall be invited to attend committee meetings.
3. Investigation shall include scrutiny and discussion of all entries of grades or scores up to the final exam. These data should be given to the committee prior to the meeting to allow time for the members to study.
4. If accepted, report of the change of grade addressed to the Registrar noted by the dean, it shall include a written explanation by the teacher who allowed a change of grade, supporting papers and a statement of the committee action.
5. Any petition for change of grade will no longer be accepted when the report on promotion (Form XIX) have been submitted by the Registrar to the CHED

NOTE: Change of grade is allowed within one (1) semester/trimester only.

14. I attended all my classes and complied with all the requirements and at the end of the semester, I was informed that I am not officially enrolled, what will I do?

If the student is NOT OFFICIALLY ENROLLED, the student shall inform the Dean IMMEDIATELY and submit necessary documents to prove the attendance and completion of the subject. To avoid enrollment issues like this, ensure that you are officially enrolled, you must check if you have followed the correct enrollment procedure, paid the necessary amount onsite or online. For online upload your deposit slip or proof of payment and include the student’s name and payment details to the correct email address of our Finance Office. And secure your OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION. Check the subjects and schedule indicated in the COR if correct.

15. I would like to transfer to LCUP. What is the 1st step?

Proceed to the Admissions Office for the application and submit the necessary requirements for evaluation of the dean and follow the enrollment procedure posted online.

16. I had a personal problem which will affect my current enrollment at LCUP, I was advised by my parents to file an official dropping form, how will I do it remotely?

You can process your dropping form via online or you can send an email to the official email address of the Registrar’s Office and ask for a copy of the dropping form. Accomplish the form and send it back to the email address of the Registrar’s office to complete the process

17. My professor told me that our grades are already posted via the School Automate System, but I cannot view my grades.

Grades can be viewed online during scheduled viewing of grades. Once the dean verified the grades posted by the professors, students can view their grades online using their School Automate account.

18. I am a Graduate School student who have completed all the academic requirements, defended my thesis but I haven’t submitted my hard bound of thesis, can I graduate even without the submission of thesis hard bound?

NO. Part of the requirement prior to graduation is the submission of the HARD BOUND COPY OF THESIS with soft copy. If you haven’t submitted the hard copy of your research your name is not yet included in the declaration of graduates. The date of graduation will depend on the trimester last enrolled or the date of submission of the hard copy of research, whichever is applicable. For diploma and TOR copy, documents will be released after the declaration and confirmation of graduates by the Commission on Higher Education Region 3.

19. I just graduated, when can I receive my diploma and transcript of records?

Diploma and Official Transcript of Records will be released upon the issuance of SO for SHS, and for College, GS, AE, COM upon the declaration and confirmation of graduates by CHEDRO3.

20. I transferred to LCUP from another institution and some of my subjects taken from the previous school were credited but it does not appear on my student portal. What do I have to do?

Student transferee with credited subjects shall submit an Official Transcript of Records at the Registrar’s Office with remarks copy for LCUP immediately. Once submitted, subjects credited will be reflected on your student portal.

21. What is the lead time for the release of requested document?

For document request, it would take 14-21 business days for the processing and release of document both online and onsite.

22. I lost my original TOR and I need a new copy, how do I process this request?

An Affidavit of Loss is needed for submission and file a new request for the document, settle the document fee and a new document will be issued with a remark “2nd copy”.

23. Can I have my requested document emailed?

NO. This is not allowed by the university in compliance to Republic Act 10173 also known as the “Data Privacy Act of 2012”.

24. I forgot my password in the School Automate System, where can I ask assistance for the password reset?

Password reset can be requested/changed with the help of the MIS Team or via email at the Registrar’s Office.

25. I am withdrawing my studies at LCUP and I will transfer to another institution, what steps will I do?

If you will be transferring to another institution and you haven’t finished the degree or program you enrolled at LCUP, you have to secure and accomplish a Honorable Dismissal form and Request for Transfer Credentials if you are already officially enrolled to the new institution.

26. What do I need to know about academic policies and procedures observed at LCUP?

It is the student’s responsibility to know and understand the university’s academic policies and procedures. During student orientation, this is included in the discussion. While announcements are posted and updated through the Official LCUP FB Page.

27. What is the difference between Date of Graduation and Graduation Rites?

For Graduate Studies and Alternative Education students, the date of graduation is the last term or enrollment and completion of academic requirements while Graduation Rites refers to the end of the school year where Commencement Exercises take place.

28. I have seen my student portal and noticed that my name is incorrect. How do I change it?

To change your information in the student portal, log in using your username and password and go to the student information tab and make the necessary changes. Submit original copy of PSA/NSO Birth Certificate at the Registrar’s office for record keeping and validating information.

29. I was scheduled for a release of my requested credentials, but I couldn’t claim it on the specified date, can I get it anytime?

To change your information in the student portal, log in using your username and password and go to the student information tab and make the necessary changes. Submit original copy of PSA/NSO Birth Certificate at the Registrar’s office for record keeping and validating information.

30. How do I get in touch with the Office of the University Registrar??

The Office of the University Registrar
Contact # +63 044-931-8610/+63 (963)270-7489
Operating Hours: Mon to Thursday 8:00 am – 12:00 nn (cut-off is 11am)
1:00 pm - 5:00pm (cut off is 4pm)
Friday 8:00 am – 12:00 nn (cut-off 11am)
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (cut-off 3 pm)
Saturday 8:00-12:00nn

Useful Links

2. LCUP Registrar Online Request of Credentials

Contact Us

The Office of the University Registrar
Contact # +63 044-931-8610
Email add:

Operating Hours:
Mon to Friday 8:00 am – 5:00pm (transaction begins at 8am)
Saturday 8:00-12:00nn


1. Kindly bring authorization letter of the student and valid ID of both representative and student requesting the document.
2. All onsite transactions are strictly by .

La Consolacion University Philippines