La Consolacion University Philippines

La Consolacion


University celebrates Personnel Day and Christmas Party 2023

December 21, 2023

Wrapping up the year with a traditional gathering, the LCUP Community dressed up and participated in Personnel Day and Christmas Celebration 2023, December 21, 2023, at the Kalinangan Auditorium, LCUP Main Campus.

This particular event is a moment to recognize the LCUP Personnel's invaluable contributions to the institution's fruitful year and to celebrate Christmas as one family as the end of the year approaches.

The Personnel Day happened first, beginning with an Opening Address from the University President, Sr. Niceta M. Vargas, OSA, Ph.D. The Awarding of Recognitions proceeded, divided into four parts: Performance Awards, Research Productivity Awards, Perfect Attendance Awards, and Service Awards.

For the Performance Awards, mentors of MACIPRISA 2023 winners from the Basic Education Department Faculty, Quality Assurance and Accreditation Internal Auditors and Committees, Individual Achievement, and Departmental Achievements in Licensure Examinations were highlighted. Personnel with International Presentations and Publications, Research Citations, Presentations in Institutional Research Colloquium, Peer Reviews, Speakerships at Local and International Conferences, and Completed Research were given recognition and incentives under the Research Productivity Awards. Perfect Attendance Awards honored two administrators, namely Dr. Divina Ann Eusebio and Mr. Virgilio Bantigue, whose attendance reflected their vigorous service to the institution. Lastly, Service Awardees were given plaques for their years of service, symbolizing their loyalty to the university. The occasion is year celebrated Dr. Alejandro Vistan as the personnel who received the Service Award with the greatest years of service, garnering 25 years of being part of the LCUP Community. Furthermore, 26 personnel received plaques for their five years of service, six for their ten years, nine for their 15 years, and 4 for their 20 years.

The second part of the event was allotted for the Christmas Party. Departmental Performances and party games with prizes were featured. Between games and performances, a raffle was drawn with various prices ranging from kitchenware to home appliances. The celebration ended with the community attending the sixth day of Simbang Gabi as a way of thanksgiving and gratitude.

La Consolacion University Philippines